P value to use when creating tagclouds and topic tagclouds and for printing number of significant features to terminal when running correlate.
Argument and Default Value
Also used with mediation analysis: specify the significance level of results to be printed in the summary report. Any mediation results with Sobel p less than the specified value will be printed.
- When using --correlate this switch will print the number of features significant at this threshold:
#Example output 1259 features significant at p < 1e:doc:fwflag_05
Other Switches
Optional Switches: --correlate --tagcloud --topic_tagcloud fwflag_DDLATagcloud? Example Commands ================ .. code:doc:fwflag_block:: python
# Create topic tagclouds ./fwInterface.py -d county_addiction -t msgs_2011to13 -g cnty --word_table 'feat$1gram$msgs_2011to13$cnty$16to16$0_1' --group_freq_thresh 40000 -f 'feat$cat_met_a30_2000_cp_w$msgs_2011to13$cnty$16to16' --outcome_table main_interest_vars_controls --outcomes ExcessDrink_Percent fwflag_no_bonf --p_correction simes --topic_tagcloud --make_topic_wordclouds --topic_lexicon met_a30_2000_freq_t50ll --csv --output_name ~/xxx_output --p_value 0.001
# Correlate features with outcome ./fwInterface.py -d county_addiction -t msgs_2011to13 -g cnty --word_table 'feat$1gram$msgs_2011to13$cnty$16to16$0_1' --group_freq_thresh 40000 -f 'feat$cat_met_a30_2000_cp_w$msgs_2011to13$cnty$16to16' --outcome_table main_interest_vars_controls --outcomes ExcessDrink_Percent fwflag_no_bonf --p_correction simes --correlate --p_value 0.001