Using INI Files
dlatkInterface can read parameters from an input file (or INI file) using the flag --from_file. These are useful in shortening your commands and keeping track of parameters you've used in past projects. The fromFile() method in FeatureGetter, outcomeGetter and FeatureStar can also read these files.
In general, setup level flags are stored here. For example: database name, message table name, p correction method. Types of analysis (correlation, prediction, wordcloud creation) are not stored in these files.
Creating an init file from the command line
See the --to_file flag. Here is an example:
The command: -d dla_tutorial -t msgs -c user_id --group_freq_thresh 500 \
-f 'feat$cat_met_a30_2000_cp_w$msgs$user_id$16to16' --outcome_table blog_outcomes \
--outcomes is_student --controls age gender --correlate \
--output_name ~/my_output --p_value 0.05 --p_correction 'bonferroni' --to_file ~/someFile.ini
Creates the file someFile.ini:
correl_field = user_id
feattable = feat$cat_met_a30_2000_cp_w$msgs$user_id$16to16
outcometable = blog_outcomes
outcomefields = is_student
outcomecontrols = age, gender
outputname = /home/username/my_output
groupfreqthresh = 500
p_correction_method = bonferroni
Using an init file via the command line
The above command then shortens to: --from_file ~/someFile.ini --correlate
Using an init file with classes
The above file then shortens your dlatkInterface calls:
from dlatk.featureStar import FeatureStar
fs = FeatureStar.fromFile('~/someFile.ini')
For more examples of using ini files with dlatk classes: Working with DLATK's Classes