

--to_file [FILENAME]


Creates a text file to be used when calling the fromFile() method in FeatureGetter or OutcomeGetter. See also: --from_file. See ../tutorials/tut_init_files for more info.

Argument and Default Value

Default output file name is initFile.txt


Takes the values of the flags from the given dlatkInterface call and creates a text file containing the parameter and it's value. If parameter is equal to the default set in dlaConstants then the value is omitted.

Below is a list of variables that can be written to a file:

corpdb =
corptable =
correl_field =
mysql_host =
message_field =
messageid_field =
date_field =
lexicondb =
feattable =
featnames =
featlabelmaptable =
featlabelmaplex =
lextable =
wordTable =
outcometable =
outcomefields =
outcomecontrols =
outcomeinteraction =
groupfreqthresh =
outputname =
p_correction_method =
tagcloudcolorscheme =
maxP =
encoding =

Note: when using an init file outside of dlatkInterface, i.e., when using the classes explicitly, most of these values will be ignored.

Example Commands

The command:

dlatkInterface.py -d dla_tutorial -t msgs -c user_id --group_freq_thresh 500 \
-f 'feat$cat_met_a30_2000_cp_w$msgs$user_id$16to16' --outcome_table blog_outcomes \
--outcomes is_student --controls age gender --correlate  \
--output_name ~/my_output --p_value 0.05 --p_correction 'bonferroni' --to_file ~/someFile.ini

Creates the file someFile.ini:

correl_field = user_id
feattable = feat$cat_met_a30_2000_cp_w$msgs$user_id$16to16
outcometable = blog_outcomes
outcomefields = is_student
outcomecontrols = age, gender
outputname = /home/username/my_output
groupfreqthresh = 500
p_correction_method = bonferroni