

--combine_feat_tables NEW_FEAT_NAME


Combines multiple feature tables into one with a new name.

Argument and Default Value

name of the new feature


Takes all the feature tables listed after -f and combines them into one new feature table. The new table will have the argument as the feature name (i.e. feat$NEW_FEAT_NAME$...). The new table will have an index on the group_id and feat columns

Other Switches

Required Switches:

Optional Switches:

Example Commands

# Simply combines two tables:
# Creates: feat$1to2gram$messages$user_id$16to16
dlatkInterface.py -d 2004blogs -t messages -c user_id -f 'feat$1gram$messages$user_id$16to16' 'feat$2gram$messages$user_id$16to16' --combine_feat_tables 1to2gram

# Extracts 1grams then 2grams, then combines the two new feature tables into a new one.
# Creates:
#       feat$1gram$messages$user_id$16to16
#       feat$2gram$messages$user_id$16to16
#       feat$1to2gram$messages$user_id$16to16
dlatkInterface.py -d 2004blogs -t messages -c user_id --add_ngrams -n 1 2 --combine_feat_tables 1to2gram