Aggregate feature table by group field (i.e. message_id features by user_ids).
Argument and Default Value
Required Switches:
Other Switches
Required Switches:
Optional Switches:
Example Commands
Example use case: feature tables broken down by month being recombined. Feature tables in question:
| feat$1to3gram$msgsPA_2012$cntyYM$16to16$0_01 |
| feat$1to3gram$msgsPA_2012_01$cnty$16to16$0_01 |
| feat$1to3gram$msgsPA_2012_02$cnty$16to16$0_01 |
| feat$1to3gram$msgsPA_2012_03$cnty$16to16$0_01 |
| feat$1to3gram$msgsPA_2012_04$cnty$16to16$0_01 |
| feat$1to3gram$msgsPA_2012_05$cnty$16to16$0_01 |
| feat$1to3gram$msgsPA_2012_06$cnty$16to16$0_01 |
| feat$1to3gram$msgsPA_2012_07$cnty$16to16$0_01 |
| feat$1to3gram$msgsPA_2012_08$cnty$16to16$0_01 |
| feat$1to3gram$msgsPA_2012_09$cnty$16to16$0_01 |
| feat$1to3gram$msgsPA_2012_10$cnty$16to16$0_01 |
| feat$1to3gram$msgsPA_2012_11$cnty$16to16$0_01 |
| feat$1to3gram$msgsPA_2012_12$cnty$16to16$0_01 |
Note that feat$1to3gram$msgsPA_2012$cntyYM$16to16$0_01 has been created to hold the intermediate step.
Original tables like feat$1to3gram$msgsPA_2012_12$cnty$16to16$0_01:
| group_id | feat | value | group_norm |
| 42101 | soon as | 73 | 0.000037435667062561665 |
| 42017 | are now | 1 | 0.000019275622120703946 |
| 42077 | i tell u | 1 | 0.000036302911493501776 |
| 42003 | fuck out . | 3 | 0.000005261560964829973 |
| 42025 | the last day | 1 | 0.00040225261464199515 |
| 42101 | it ! we | 2 | 0.0000011117948649530572 |
| 42017 | is willing | 1 | 0.000019275622120703946 |
| 42049 | kno wat | 1 | 0.00003332777870354941 |
| 42003 | just barely | 1 | 0.0000016047294586605644 |
| 42101 | 2006 | 48 | 0.00002283123484160593 |
Initial collapse mysql command, e.g. (note different group field, cntyYM instead of cnty):
First collapsed table (feat$1to3gram$msgsPA_2012$cntyYM$16to16$0_01):
| group_id | feat | value | group_norm |
| 42091_2012_11 | #theatreproblems | 1 | 0.00001484692817056151 |
| 42101_2012_02 | inappropriate | 7 | 0.0000026320123388738445 |
| 42125_2012_03 | for everything | 1 | 0.000040645449741901396 |
| 42101_2012_05 | fun and | 18 | 0.000013396794444795903 |
| 42071_2012_02 | at my desk | 1 | 0.000019890601690701143 |
| 42071_2012_11 | album will | 1 | 0.000019987607683236393 |
| 42003_2012_06 | waste it | 1 | 0.0000012686121256484195 |
| 42003_2012_08 | tweet goes out | 1 | 0.000006096408605690388 |
| 42101_2012_04 | day : | 29 | 0.0000182426537148019 |
| 42101_2012_07 | girl you better | 1 | 0.0000007502882982786135 |
Create a new dummy "message table" containing mappings from new group_id to original group_id with mysql commands like: insert into cntyYM_to_cnty values('42007_2012_01','42007');
Resulting table (cntyYM_to_cnty):
| cntyYM | cnty |
| 42001_2012_01 | 42001 |
| 42001_2012_02 | 42001 |
| 42001_2012_03 | 42001 |
| 42001_2012_04 | 42001 |
| 42001_2012_05 | 42001 |
Aggregation fwInterface command:
dlatkInterface.py -d paHealth -t cntyYM_to_cnty -c cnty \
-f 'feat$1to3gram$msgsPA_2012$cntyYM$16to16$0_01' \
At its heart, this function runs two SQL commands:
INSERT INTO feat$agg_1to3gram$msgsPA_2012$cnty
SELECT m.cnty, f.feat, sum(f.value), 0 FROM feat$1to3gram$msgsPA_2012$cntyYM$16to16$0_01 AS f,
cntyYM_to_cnty AS m where m.cntyYM = f.group_id GROUP BY m.cnty, f.feat
UPDATE feat$agg_1to3gram$msgsPA_2012$cnty a INNER JOIN
(SELECT group_id,sum(value) sum FROM feat$agg_1to3gram$msgsPA_2012$cnty
GROUP BY group_id) b ON a.group_id=b.group_id SET a.group_norm=a.value/b.sum
The output table name could probably be improved with better logic. After the fact, I changed it from feat$agg_1to3gram$msgsPA_2012$cnty to feat$1to3gram$msgsPA_2012$cnty$10to16$0_01.