DLA Rules of Thumb
p = |feats|
First rule of thumb: there really are no hard and fast rules that always apply but these are best places to start.
Feat_occ_filter (--feat_occ_filter):
Rule of thumb: N/2 < p < N
Depends on:
Expected effect sizes
Sparsity of your observations
How many words do you have per person? (measure how well we are estimating word use rates)
"True" strength of relationship
When to apply?
good for DLA
usually not good for prediction (less accurate models)
generally a pmi threshold of 3 works for anything from 2grams to 4grams.
Rule of thumb: N < p < 2*N
(when you’re doing "magic sauce"”" feature selection or LASSO (L1) penalization)
Colloc filter: doesn’t usually help (sometimes hurts)
What usually works best
Regression (listed in order to what usually works best)
Feat_occ_filter => Univariate selection => PCA => L2 (ridge) regression (--feature_selection magic sauce ---model ridgecv)
LASSO L1 regression (with no separate feature selection)
ElasticNet L1L2 regression (presumably worse because there is one more hyper-parameter to set)
Choosing dimensions for PCA
If a lot of observations (>>10k): 10% of p
If few observations (< 10k) 50% of N
(see more complicated funtions in regressionPredictor.py featureSelectionString)
Levels of analysis and group frequency threshold
County level:
Ok to push the boundaries for p (use lots of features compared to observations), because you have well-estimated features
GFT: 20 to 50k range; (if really good data, use 50k)
Above rules for p directly apply.
GFT: 1k (500 if N < 5k; 2k if N > 100k usually has absolutely no benefit)
Rules above apply except, normally best to use binary encoding of 1to3grams
GFT: 1 (but depends on task)