



A square root transformation of the group norm frequency information.

Argument and Default Value

Normalizes the group norm frequency information using the following formula:


Normalizes the group norm frequency information using the following formula:

Other Switches

Required Switches: -d, -g, -t The transformation switches are used during feature extraction and therefore need at least one feature extraction command: --add_ngrams, --add_lex_table, etc. Optional Switches: None

Example Commands

./fwInterface.py -d DATABSE -t TABLE -g GROUP_BY_FIELD --add_lex_table -l LEX_TABLE --sqrt

# Creates the table: feat$cat_met_a30_2000_cp_w$primals_new$dp_id$16to4

./fwInterface.py -d primals -t primals_new -g dp_id --group_freq_thresh 40000 --add_lex_table -l met_a30_2000_cp fwflag_weighted_lex --sqrt