



Use the NLTK Punkt sentence tokenizer to create a sentence tokenized version of the message table.

Argument and Default Value



Each row in the message table is sentence tokenized and each sentence is written to a single row in MySQL. The message id column of the tokenized sentences corresponds to the original message id with a number added to the end for each sentence.

Other Switches

Required Switches:

Example Commands

# creates the table msgs_sent
./dlatkInterface.py -d dla_tutorial -t msgs -c message_id --add_sent_per_row
mysql> select message_id, message from msgs_sent limit 5;
| message_id | message                                                                    |
| 1_01       | can you believe it??                                                       |
| 1_02       | my mom wouln't let me go out on my b'day...i was really really mad at her. |
| 1_03       | still am.                                                                  |
| 1_04       | but i got more presents from my friends this year.                         |
| 1_05       | so thats great.                                                            |