Creates parsed versions of the message table.
Argument and Default Value
This switch creates three tables (for a given table name TABLE): TABLE_const, TABLE_pos, TABLE_dep. Each table contains the same columns and contents as the original table except for the contents of the message column.
The message column in TABLE_const is now a tree structure corresponding to the grammatical structure of the message. For example:
original message: Everything is breaking apart.
parsed message: (ROOT (S (NP (NNP Everything)) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBG breaking) (ADVP (RB apart)))) (. .)))
The message column in TABLE_dep is a list of dependencies which provide a representation of grammatical relations between words in a sentence. For example:
original message: Everything is breaking apart.
parsed message: ['nsubj(breaking-3, Everything-1)', 'aux(breaking-3, is-2)', 'root(ROOT-0, breaking-3)', 'advmod(breaking-3, apart-4)']
The message column in TABLE_pos is a part of speech tagged version of the original message. For example:
original message: Everything is breaking apart.
parsed message: Everything/NNP is/VBZ breaking/VBG apart/RB ./.
Note that TABLE_pos is tagged according to the Penn Treebank Project tags.
For more details, download the Part-of-speech tagging annotation style manual.
Other Switches
Required Switches:
Example Commands
# creates the table msgs_const, msgs_pos, msgs_dep
./dlatkInterface.py -d dla_tutorial -t msgs -c message_id --add_parses
mysql> select message from msgs_const limit 1;
| message |
| (ROOT (S (VP (VB urlLink) (NP (DT The) (NNP Obligatory) (NNP Field) (NNP Shot) (NN urlLink))))) |
mysql> select message from msgs_pos limit 1;
| message |
| urlLink/VB The/DT Obligatory/NNP Field/NNP Shot/NNP urlLink/NN |
mysql> select message from msgs_dep limit 1;
| message |
| ['root(ROOT-0, urlLink-1)', 'det(urlLink-6, The-2)', 'nn(urlLink-6, Obligatory-3)', 'nn(urlLink-6, Field-4)', 'nn(urlLink-6, Shot-5)', 'dobj(urlLink-1, urlLink-6)'] |